Emmet County Ordinances

(Click on the ordinance title to be directed to the ordinance)


  Emmet County Animal Control Enforcement Ordinance No. 79-15

  Emmet County Animal Control Ordinance No. 09-04 (an ordinance to amend the county animal control ordinance, changing the annual licensing of dogs to tri-annual licensing and to provide for a schedule and fees for the conversion)


  Emmet County Construction Code Ordinance No. 99-10 (an ordinance to designate a violation of the state construction code as a municipal civil infraction and to provide for a civil fine for such a violation)


  Health Department of Northwest Michigan – District Sanitary Code for Emmet County


  Emmet County Ordinance No. 08-4 (an ordinance creating the county historical commission)

  Emmet County Ordinance No. 11-01 (an ordinance to amend the Historical Commission Ordinance 08-4, approving an increase in the number of members serving on the commission)


  Emmet County Mechanical Inspector Ordinance No. 99-20 (an ordinance to amend Ordinance 84-1 to designate a violation as a municipal civil infraction and to provide for a civil fine for such violation)


  Emmet County Municipal Civil Infraction Ordinance No. 97-10 (an ordinance to establish procedures for the issuance of municipal civil infractions)

  Emmet County Municipal Civil Infraction Ordinance No. 97-10 Amendment (adopted 1997)

  Emmet County Municipal Civil Infraction Ordinance No. 97-10 Amendment (adopted January 2022)


  Emmet County ORV Ordinance No. 09-02 (an ordinance authorizing and regulating the operation of off-road vehicles on certain roads in Emmet County – view the ORV map here)


  Emmet County Parking Ordinance No. 2018-01

  Emmet County Parking Ordinance No. 2018-02 (an ordinance establishing the rules and procedures for issuing civil infractions for violations of the Parking Ordinance)


  Emmet County Park Rules Ordinance No. 09-1 (an ordinance to provide for the use, protection, regulation, and control of the county public parks and park facillities, preservers and parkways, and to provide for adoption of supplementary rules and other matters related to county park property)

  Park Ordinance No. 10-1 (an ordinance to amend Emmet County Ordinance 09-1, to prohibit the use of skateboards on Emmet County park property)

  Amendment to Ordinance No. 09-1 (an ordinance to amend Emmet County Ordinance 09-1, to allow for revocation of permit or eviction from the park for violation of Ordinance No. 09-1)

  Amendment to Ordinance No. 09-1 (an ordinance to amend Emmet County Ordinance No. 09-1, to provide for dark-sky parks and the regulation thereof)

  Park Ordinance No. 12-1 (an ordinance to amend Emmet County Ordinance No. 09-1, to redefine “camping unit” to limit the number of persons occupying any individual campsite and to regulate the mooring of watercraft)


  Pellston Regional Airport’s Minimum Standards and Operating Procedures (an ordinance to establish minimum standards and operating procedures for aeronautical and non-aeronautical activities at the airport)

  Amended Airport Ordinance – adopted June 17, 2021 (an updated and current version of the minimum standards and operating procedures for Pellston Regional Airport)


  Planning Commission Ordinance (an ordinance to create a Planning Commission for the purpose of having planning and zoning in Emmet County to create, organize, enumerate powers and duties, and to provide for the regulation and subdivision of land, and the coordinated and harmonious development of the county)


  Phragmites Control Ordinance No. 10-2 (an ordinance to control and eradicate phragmites along the Lake Michigan shoreline and provide for necessary regulation concerning phragmites)


  Plumbing Ordinance No. 99-30 (an ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 95-40 to designate a violation as a municipal civil infraction and to provide for a civil fine for such a violation)


  Security Alarm Ordinance No. 03-20 (an ordinance established to minimize the occurrence of false alarms of security alarm systems in Emmet County that require the response of the Emmet County Sheriff’s Department)


  Smoking Ordinance No. 09-03 (an ordinance to amend Emmet County Smoking Pollution Control Ordinance No. 98-1 to apply to all county-owned buildings, structures, and facilities)


  Soil Erosion Ordinance No. 14-1 (an ordinance to provide for soil erosion and sedimentation control within Emmet County)


  Administrative Rules for Ordinance 99-40 (administrative rules for implementing Ordinance No. 99-40 regulating solid waste)

  Solid Waste Ordinance No. 11-4 (an ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 99-40 to regulate the collection, transportation, delivery, and disposal of solid waste and recycle material, and other related topics)


  Ordinance No. 06-03 (an ordinance to repeal the Emmet County Stormwater Management Ordinance No. 01-10 as amended by Ordinance No. 03-30)


  Street Numbering Ordinance No. 13-7 (an ordinance to assign and maintain a uniform street and numbering system countywide)


  Emmet County Zoning Ordinance No. 15-1 (an ordinance to provide for the regulation of land development and the establishment of districts within Emmet County; link goes to the another part of the website where the full 274-page ordinance can be viewed or where access to excerpts from sections of the Zoning Ordinance are linked)


Emmet County, Michigan
200 Division Street, Petoskey MI 49770
(231) 348-1700 | Contact Us