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February 23, 2021 @ 11:00 am
The regular monthly meeting of the Pellston Regional Airport Board that was originally scheduled to take place at the airport on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at 11 a.m., will now be held using the virtual meeting platform Zoom, due to the board’s effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All board members including Charlie MacInnis, David White, Dave Bachelor, Mark Drier, Carlin Smith, Chris Nathan, and Tom Fairbairn will be attending via Zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) The meeting is open to the public and those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. Please visit the Pellston Regional Airport website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Airport Board Meeting
Date/Time: Feb. 23 at 11 am
Meeting ID: 847 2014 5152
Meeting ID: 079657
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
Date/Time: Feb. 23 at 11 am
Meeting ID: 847 2014 5152
Meeting ID: 079657
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799