Please note — You can change the way you view the calendar in the drop-down button on the top right above the calendar. By default, the calendar is now displayed in “agenda” mode. Other options include viewing by month, week or day.
Emmet County Parks & Recreation is hosting a Full Moon Hike at Camp Petosega on Sunday, March 28, starting at 8 p.m. Walk with a group or venture out on your own anytime. (View the Camp Petosega map online here.) Social distancing and masks will be required for group walks. Those wishing to walk with the group should meet at 7:30 p.m. in the beachfront parking lot (go straight past the registration office, towards the shoreline). We will leave for the hike at 8 p.m. Dress for the weather and bring a friend! Children and friendly pets welcome (though pets must remain on a leash). Follow the event on the Camp Petosega Facebook page for any changes.
The Emmet County Veterans Affairs Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 30, at 4 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. In an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, all board members will be attending via remotely. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. Visit the Veterans Affairs section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Veterans Affairs Committee Meeting
Date/Time: March 30 at 4 pm
Meeting ID: 839 9947 5353
Passcode: 648660
Call in #: 312-626-6799
Date/Time: March 30 at 4 pm
Meeting ID: 839 9947 5353
Passcode: 648660
Call in #: 312-626-6799
The Emmet County Ad-Hoc Economic Development Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 1, at 3:30 p.m. in the commissioners’ board room, across from the treasurer’s office, on the first floor of the Emmet County Building in downtown Petoskey, 200 Division Street. The meeting is open to the public, although seating is limited due to state health department orders. Those attending in-person must enter through the Lake Street doors and be prepared to pass through a metal detector and security check. Additionally, all persons entering the County Building are required to have their temperature taken and answer a short health screening questionnaire. Security personnel closely monitor the number of persons inside the building and may deny or hold up entry to ensure everyone’s safety. To view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes, visit the Ad-Hoc Economic Development Committee website section.
The Emmet County Parks and Recreation Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 6, at 12:30 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom, in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All board members will be attending via zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. Visit the Parks and Rec section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Parks Board Meeting
Date/Time: April 6 at 12:30 pm
Meeting ID: 821 2734 3088
Passcode: 625241
Call in #: 312-626-6799
Date/Time: April 6 at 12:30 pm
Meeting ID: 821 2734 3088
Passcode: 625241
Call in #: 312-626-6799
The Emmet County Brownfield Development Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 8, at 11 a.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. All board members will be attending via zoom in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. For questions, contact the Planning and Zoning office at (231) 439-8998 or email to [email protected]. Please visit the Brownfield Redevelopment webpage to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: ECBRA Meeting
Date/Time: April 8, at 11 a.m.
Meeting ID: 874 5339 9968
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
Date/Time: April 8, at 11 a.m.
Meeting ID: 874 5339 9968
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
The Emmet County Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 8, at 7 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. This meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the commissioners’ board room, but was changed in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All board members will be attending via zoom. (Click here for members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. For questions, contact the Planning and Zoning office at (231) 439-8998 or email to [email protected]. To view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes, visit the Planning Commission webpage.
Zoom Link: P.C. Meeting
Date/Time: April 8 at 7 pm
Meeting ID: 890 2268 8642
Call in #: 312-626-6799
Date/Time: April 8 at 7 pm
Meeting ID: 890 2268 8642
Call in #: 312-626-6799
The Emmet County Board of Commissioners will hold its monthly Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, April 12, at 6 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. This meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the commissioners’ board room, but was changed in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All county commissioners including Toni Drier, Charlie MacInnis, Neil Ahrens, Dave Bachelor, Matt Koontz, Mike Wargel, and David White will be attending via Zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet, or computer using the information below. Please visit the Board of Commissioners website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Committee of the Whole Meeting
Date/Time: April 12 at 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 844 2365 4825
Passcode: 066206
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
Date/Time: April 12 at 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 844 2365 4825
Passcode: 066206
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
The Emmet County Historical Commission will hold a meeting on Wednesday, April 14, at 4 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom, in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All board members will be attending via zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. Visit the Historical Commission section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Historical Commission Meeting
Date/Time: April 14 at 4 pm
Meeting ID: 829 2790 7853
Passcode: 555421
Call in #: 312-626-6799
Date/Time: April 14 at 4 pm
Meeting ID: 829 2790 7853
Passcode: 555421
Call in #: 312-626-6799
The Emmet County Department of Health & Human Services (Bay Bluffs) Board will hold a meeting on Thursday at 10 a.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. This meeting was originally scheduled to be in-person at Bay Bluffs, but in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, board members will be attending via Zoom. (Contact information for members of the DHHS board is available here.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet, or computer using the information below. Please visit the Bay Bluffs website to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: DHHS Meeting
Date/Time: April 15 at 10 a.m.
Meeting ID: 823 0124 9057
Passcode: 965983
Call in #: 1-929-205-6099
Date/Time: April 15 at 10 a.m.
Meeting ID: 823 0124 9057
Passcode: 965983
Call in #: 1-929-205-6099
The Crooked River Lock Consortium will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, April 15, at 3:45 p.m. using Zoom, a virtual meeting platform. All board members including Commissioner Mike Wargel, Bill Dohm, Dennis Keiser, Damien Henning, Bill Shorter, Greg Babcock, David Droste, and Dudley Marvin, will be attending via Zoom from a remote location due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting is available to the public for listening and/or viewing via phone or online using the Zoom information below. Contact information for members of the Crooked River Lock Consortium is available online here
Zoom Link: Crooked River Lock Consortium Meeting
Date/Time: April 15 at 3:45 pm
Meeting ID: 819 4567 8373
Passcode: 885473
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
Date/Time: April 15 at 3:45 pm
Meeting ID: 819 4567 8373
Passcode: 885473
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
The Emmet County Planning Commission will hold a special meeting on Thursday, April 15, at 7 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Case PSUP20-20, related to the Motion to Reconsider which was passed during the commission’s regular meeting on April 8. In an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, all board members will be attending via Zoom. (Click here for members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. For questions, contact the Planning and Zoning office at (231) 439-8998 or email to [email protected]. To view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes, visit the Planning Commission webpage
Zoom Link: P.C. Meeting
Date/Time: April 15 at 7 pm
Meeting ID: 815 8254 1403
Call in #: 312-626-6799 or 929-205-6099
Date/Time: April 15 at 7 pm
Meeting ID: 815 8254 1403
Call in #: 312-626-6799 or 929-205-6099
The regular monthly meeting of the Pellston Regional Airport Board that was scheduled to take place at the airport on Tuesday, April 20, at 11 a.m., will now be held using the virtual meeting platform Zoom, due to the board’s effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This meeting was originally scheduled for April 27, but was rescheduled in March to meet a week earlier. All board members including Charlie MacInnis, David White, Dave Bachelor, Mark Drier, Carlin Smith, Chris Nathan, and Tom Fairbairn will be attending via Zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) The meeting is open to the public and those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. Please visit the Pellston Regional Airport website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Airport Board Meeting
Date/Time: Apr 20 @ 11 am
Meeting ID: 851 4448 9646
Passcode: 212395
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
Date/Time: Apr 20 @ 11 am
Meeting ID: 851 4448 9646
Passcode: 212395
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
The Emmet County Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the commissioners’ board room, across from the treasurer’s office, on the first floor of the County Building in downtown Petoskey, 200 Division Street. The meeting is open to the public. Those attending in-person must enter through the Lake Street doors and be prepared to pass through a metal detector and security check. For questions, contact the Planning and Zoning office at (231) 439-8998 or email to [email protected]. Please visit the ZBA website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
The Emmet County Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 20, at 6 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. This meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the commissioners’ board room, but was changed in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All board members will be attending via zoom. (Click here for members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. For questions, contact the Planning and Zoning office at (231) 439-8998 or email to [email protected]. Please visit the ZBA webpage to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: ZBA Meeting
Date/Time: April 20 at 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 831 5031 8607
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-205-6099
Date/Time: April 20 at 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 831 5031 8607
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799 or 1-929-205-6099
The Emmet County Land Bank Authority will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday at 10 a.m. in the commissioners’ board room, across from the treasurer’s office, on the first floor of the County Building in downtown Petoskey, 200 Division Street. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) The meeting is open to the public. Those attending in-person must enter through the Lake Street doors and be prepared to pass through a metal detector and security check. To view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes, visit the Land Bank Authority website section.
The Emmet County Board of Commissioners will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, April 22, at 6 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. This meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the commissioners’ board room, but was changed in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All county commissioners including Toni Drier, Charlie MacInnis, Neil Ahrens, Dave Bachelor, Matt Koontz, Mike Wargel, and David White will be attending via Zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet, or computer using the information below. Please visit the Board of Commissioners website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Regular BOC Meeting
Date/Time: April 22 at 6 pm
Meeting ID: 812 7128 1257
Passcode: 338572
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
Date/Time: April 22 at 6 pm
Meeting ID: 812 7128 1257
Passcode: 338572
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
The Health Department of Northwest Michigan is holding a first dose COVID vaccination clinic in the community building at the Emmet County Fairgrounds on Friday, April 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. All unvaccinated persons age 16 and older are eligible, though a parent or legal guardian must accompany minors. The Pfizer vaccine will be distributed. Please click here to schedule an appointment.
The Pellston Regional Airport Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. in the conference room on the second floor in the terminal. Please visit the Pellston Regional Airport website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
The previously-scheduled April 27 meeting date for the Pellston Regional Airport Board has been moved to April 20. Please see the April 20 calendar entry for more information.
The Emmet-Charlevoix County Fair Advisory Council holds public meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Emmet County Fairgrounds Equestrian Center, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The location of each month’s meeting may be changed for health and safety reasons and if that occurs, those changes are posted on the county website calendar closer to the meeting date. The meeting is open to the public.
A Special Election will be held in Emmet County on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 for registered voters in Little Traverse Township, Littlefield Township, Maple River Township, Pleasantview Township, and Wawatam Township. Click here to review a PDF copy of the sample ballots for this special election. For more information about voting, please go to the Michigan Secretary of State’s website.
The Emmet County Parks and Recreation Board will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 4, at 12:30 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom, in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All board members will be attending via zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. Visit the Parks and Rec section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Parks Board Meeting
Date/Time: May 6 at 12:30 pm
Meeting ID: 851 7627 0325
Passcode: 509743
Call in #: 312-626-6799
Date/Time: May 6 at 12:30 pm
Meeting ID: 851 7627 0325
Passcode: 509743
Call in #: 312-626-6799
The Emmet County Board of Canvassers will meet on Wednesday at 9 a.m. in the commissioners’ board room, across from the treasurer’s office, on the first floor of the County Building in downtown Petoskey, 200 Division Street. The purpose of the meeting is the canvassing of the May 4, 2021 Special Election. Although the meeting is open to the public, seating is limited due to state health department orders. Those attending in-person must enter through the Lake Street doors and be prepared to pass through a metal detector and security check. Additionally, all persons entering the County Building are required to have their temperature taken and answer a short health screening questionnaire. Security personnel closely monitor the number of persons inside the building and may deny or hold up entry to ensure everyone’s safety.
The Emmet County Ad-Hoc Economic Development Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 6, at 3:30 p.m. in the commissioners’ board room, across from the treasurer’s office, on the first floor of the Emmet County Building in downtown Petoskey, 200 Division Street. The meeting is open to the public, although seating is limited due to state health department orders. Those attending in-person must enter through the Lake Street doors and be prepared to pass through a metal detector and security check. Additionally, all persons entering the County Building are required to have their temperature taken and answer a short health screening questionnaire. Security personnel closely monitor the number of persons inside the building and may deny or hold up entry to ensure everyone’s safety. To view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes, visit the Ad-Hoc Economic Development Committee website section.
The Emmet County Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 6, at 7 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. This meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the commissioners’ board room, but was changed in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All board members will be attending via zoom. (Click here for members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. For questions, contact the Planning and Zoning office at (231) 439-8998 or email to [email protected]. To view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes, visit the Planning Commission webpage.
The Odawa Casino and the Health Department of Northwest Michigan are teaming up to offer a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Friday, May 7, and Saturday, May 8, at the Odawa Casino in Petoskey. The Pfizer and J&J vaccines will be administered. Click on one of the following links to schedule an appointment: or Don’t miss your chance! Register today!
The Odawa Casino and the Health Department of Northwest Michigan are teaming up to offer a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Friday, May 7, and Saturday, May 8, at the Odawa Casino in Petoskey. The Pfizer and J&J vaccines will be administered. Click on one of the following links to schedule an appointment: or Don’t miss your chance! Register today!
The Emmet County Board of Commissioners will hold its monthly Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, May 10, at 6 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. This meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the commissioners’ board room, but was changed in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. All county commissioners including Toni Drier, Charlie MacInnis, Neil Ahrens, Dave Bachelor, Matt Koontz, Mike Wargel, and David White will be attending via Zoom. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet, or computer using the information below. Please visit the Board of Commissioners website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Committee of the Whole Meeting
Date/Time: May 10 at 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 832 5810 8046
Passcode: 277862
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
Date/Time: May 10 at 6 p.m.
Meeting ID: 832 5810 8046
Passcode: 277862
Call in #: 1-312-626-6799
The Emmet County Veterans Affairs Committee will hold a meeting on Tuesday, May 18, at 4 p.m. using the virtual meeting platform Zoom. In an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, all board members will be attending via remotely. (Click here for board members’ contact information.) Those wishing to attend the meeting may call in and join with a smartphone, tablet or computer using the information below. Visit the Veterans Affairs section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
Zoom Link: Veterans Affairs Committee Meeting
Date/Time: May 18 at 4 pm
Meeting ID: 864 0583 4433
Call in #: 312-626-6799
Date/Time: May 18 at 4 pm
Meeting ID: 864 0583 4433
Call in #: 312-626-6799
The Emmet County Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the commissioners’ board room, across from the treasurer’s office, on the first floor of the County Building in downtown Petoskey, 200 Division Street. The meeting is open to the public, although seating is limited due to state health department orders. Those attending in-person must enter through the Lake Street doors and be prepared to pass through a metal detector and security check. Additionally, all persons entering the County Building are required to have their temperature taken and answer a short health screening questionnaire. Security personnel closely monitor the number of persons inside the building and may deny or hold up entry to ensure everyone’s safety. For questions, contact the Planning and Zoning office at (231) 439-8998 or email to [email protected]. Please visit the ZBA website section to view the current agenda (when available) and archived meeting minutes.
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