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Protecting Our Natural Resources

Emmet County is comprised of nearly 300,000 acres, of which two-thirds are forested and one-third are crop and pasture. Inland waters cover over 10,000 acres, and the Lake Michigan shoreline is 68 miles long. Nearly 30% of the county’s land is in public ownership.

With vast tracts of open land, rolling terrain, deep dense forests and lakes teeming with fish and fowl, it takes a concerted effort to preserve the unspoiled acreage of northern Michigan. Our water, land and future depend on the people and organizations who protect the natural resources that define Emmet County.

Emmet Conservation District  – Our mission as stewards of the Environment is to improve the quality of life for residents of Emmet County, by protecting and conserving our natural resources, promoting sound sustainable agriculture practices, and providing educational opportunities for the community.

Protecting Our Waters

Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council is the lead organization for water resource protection in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet counties. (See also: Freshwater Future)

Protecting Our Land


Little Traverse Conservancy – In 1972, a group of visionary residents and resorters in the Petoskey-Harbor Springs area created the Little Traverse Conservancy. The goal: to provide balance between preservation of our natural resources and fragmentation and development of the land.

recycling web

Protecting our Future

Emmet County Department of Public Works (DPW) – Emmet County’s recycling program has long been a progressive operation that has surpassed its peers. In fact, the county’s program is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2010, and plans are in the works to continue growth of services including more material types collected and greater convenience. 


Emmet County, Michigan
200 Division Street, Petoskey MI 49770
(231) 348-1700 | Contact Us